viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

10th Exercise: Urban Technical Drawing

In this technical draw I want to show all the jungle areas in the world where my design could be created. I also want you to know the  the levels of the whole thing could reach equating this with the level of the sea. Finally  I made a picture of all the set together; monkeys, water, light, reflections and nature

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

9th Exercise : Urban Drawing

The conclussion of my drawing is that there are a lot of conexions between our project and the city, like the shape, the high the materials and the light. The project have adapted to the place and belong to the city

9th Exercise: Urban Drawing

Drawing for the project proposed in the Postiguet beach. The light, the sound, the rute, the relation with the seafront, what can we do into this project.

9th Exercise Rethinking: Urban Drawing

9th Exercise: Urban Drawing

This exercise asked us to relate our project with the city of Alicante. To do this I have asked a question: What interests people Postiguet beach ...?
To answer this question I have made a diagram that you can find the most important uses to which it can give to the beach, separating the zone of sand and ride the water area and including everything in the landscape. Having said that should be noted that the project I have isolated from other uses, creating a new area with sand and water with well differentiated from other uses.

Having done this diagram, I was interested in me analyzing the most common areas where such uses are developed with an aerial view of the beach. And I have come to the conclusion that each area has a quite distinct uses; promenade for walking, swimming beach, sand for sunbathing and relaxing, the fishing pier ... That's why I also wanted to isolate the project from other uses; understood as an area to feel the landscape through a program full of sensations, emotions created through spaces, dimensions, shades ...

In addition, this action will be the most time is going to spend, because to feel thelandscape, you have to introduce the 24-hour, that is why our project is that privatespace where you can spend 24 times of the day in order to get involved and feel all the feelings and emotions of the landscape (in our case the beach).

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

8th Exercise: Proposal For Postiguet Beach.

With this model, we have tried to show the possible structure of the route we want to make between the sand of the beach and the sea. This is a simple structure that plays with shadows and with textures offered by the sea.

8th Exercise: The Project: Postiguet Beach.

In this project I have drawn the structure that we have proposed to construct, as is their placement relative to the water and the beach, different perspectives. And I did a study on the influence of each moon with the tide.


8th Exercise: Reference

This is the John Cage's famous piece of music. He studied a lot of music to do this and he got a incredible result. The piece is called 4 minutes 33 seconds.

8th Exercise: Proposal For Postiguet Beach.

In this project I try to find a relationship with the sea and in turn allow us to perform all our group proposals.
The group's proposal for postiguet Beach was the creation of a kind of journey, that penetrated and came out of the sea, playing with the different sensations from the beach. This route would be composed of the succession of triangular tents, which provide shade to the tour, besides creating spaces, forms, empty, feelings, shades, dimensions ... To achieve this and also, contextualize with the sea, I had to investigate a little above the sea, discovering at the end as the sea absorbs light according to deep, blue being the color that reaches deeper (200 meters).
Following this hallmark discovery, my suggestion would be to cover the tents we mentioned with color filters that allow to pass blue light, as would be green, purple and blue will; thus the tents would make a similar function of the sea deep, passing blue and absorbing all other colors.
Another relationship with the sea is that changes over time, as the perspective the shadow of the tents varies with the incidence of the sun.


The idea of creating a private space in a public space is:
It is about creating a relaxed space and equipped for your can express the feelings and emotions of the landscape (the beach), creating the landscape itself an atmosphere capable of increasing those feelings and emotions, and where you can spend 24 hours of the day experiencing each moment of the landscape.
Blue is a color that transmits relaxation and tranquility. That is why my proposal concerns create an atmosphere (full of spaces, forms, empty, feelings, shades, dimensions...)  that develops feelings of the beach as a quiet and relaxed space.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

7th Exercise: Technical drawing

Monkey House : I created this private space in the public. It is a play zone for the monkeys. They would make all their activities in there: They can sleep here instead of a tree because its more confortable and safe for them. They have also space for climbing and exercise themshelves . They could safe their food inside this house and finally stay all together in.
For me that draw represent the life in public of a private special family. It have only the basic necesities for them
The orange space mean play, moviltity and exercise
The grey is the outside, who is link with the exterior and the landscape
Blue is the inside, the confortable zone and the safe.

7th Exercise: Drawing

I have two proposals for this exercise. Both are designed for the same place.

The place is near to institute of my town area, to create that no rest for estudens, also for parents or pedestrians.

First proposal

I wonder what makes us differentiate a public space for a private space.
In a private space, conceptually what is essentially, abstraction in oneself.
Can i do it in somewhere else that does not belong to me?
Yes, I can.
What is the private space delimiting ?
I think our culture taught us to see that private space is limited by walls, ceiling and floor space.
How? Sectioned walls and completely eliminated  the floor and the ceiling, there are only a foundation as bounding.

With the use of rigid materials without folds, durabl (as concrete slabs)   ..., with the idea of ​​density created by the trees surrounding the structure, as we see the light through the trees, areas of "rest" darker than areas tables that adapt to the different interactions. 

It is not that takes a private outside space, if people can not accept that space into one for public use.

This project also takes into account the lighting, trees play an important role. The trees provide shade in areas that can be used to study or relax, and areas with more light are the areas where there are tables and chairs to enjoy with friends.
Second proposal

I have divided the space into two levels: entertainment and relaxation areas respectively.

 I have divided the space into two levels: entertainment and relaxation respectively.
On the lower level (entertainment area) is provided with an open area to play, run, ... and higher level (relaxation area) is created by a net to lay down, reading, speaking quietly, ...


7th Exercise: DRAWING - Glass Dome


With this drawing I have tried to adapt my usual private space to the street, understood as a cold, noisy and conditioned by many atmospheric agents place. To perform this adaptation I have proposed a dome and I have tried to analyze and respond to the road conditions are not conducive to a private space.

7th Exercise: Technical drawing - Room in a Private Space

7th Exercise: Technical Drawing

My room in a public space. Private space in a public space. What happen? Some drawing of my room in a public space.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

6th Exercise: Model 1:10

With this model I refer to several things.
For example, the threads have color therefore the dark part is placed down and the most clear up with reference to the temperature.

On the floor, I made a diagram of what happens in the bedroom. The violet tones refer to the furniture; white is a elemental color in this case, it's the bed, something elemental in the bedroom.

The blue tones refer to the relaxation areas, rough textured pieces are the current while others are of the past. And the red tones refer to the entertaiment areas, with the same meaning about textures.

6th Exercise: MODEL 1/10

With this model I tried to explain the program in my room using different colors for different more common functions that I do in my room. Also I used wire, with these colors, to unite the areas that I use to do the same actions.
-Green: Sleep
-Blue : Keep things
-Grey: Entertainment
-Orange: Study
-Light Blue: others
In addition to these colors with these functions I have included a black thread that is in contact with all areas of the room and analyzing circulations. another thread I added yellow one also touches all areas including windows and tries to express the natural light in the room.